Laptop Problems operational tasks is important that each holder of a laptop user should know the proper functioning of the notebook easier. Recognize that your laptop does not work, check the battery and other things, but the situation may vary. It was difficult for notebook users. You can only solve, and sets some technical grabs a notebook, whichSave laptop technicians. Dead LCD difficulties are caused by damage to the graphics card, motherboard, burned, or caused to be bad backlight inverter. Such problems can be solved, the problems with the laptop user.
It makes no sense to replace the LCD screen is not so much a technical problem, which is where the dead stones and burned pixels or natural cracks appear in the glass. One would think that the issues are different notebooksFirm, but not the basic principles are the same. As you know, solve a notebook that can help you solve technical problems with one of the notebooks, such as HP, Compaq, Toshiba Satellite and IBM ThinkPad. While these notebooks come with AMD, Intel or PowerPC processor-equipped, they exist all experience more or less the same as the relationship in the technical development and construction.
Identification of the hook is the first point on the notebookTrouble. I suspect that if the powers of the problem, solve the proper restoration of power. Check the LEDs, power connector and the battery in this context. If you find that everything is correct, and make sure the main switch forums. This allows the problem of power. If you believe that your laptop battery is quickly exhausted, and then via the Control Panel, you can conserve resources. When you clean your laptopSubstance, it is better to use high-quality soldering soldering.
If a problem is not a film, the first step should be to control supply. When you hear the sound of his laptop at the moment, but now there is no audio, a sign of lack of power from the motherboard instead of the video format. If an internal error of physical connections, as in, for example, separation of the network or serial interface brazed carried out by the quality of the welds. To check the motherboard or the internal video card to an external VGA monitor with a regular, if light must be on the external monitor, then check the above deficiencies.
Even if the external monitor works well, the video subsystem is a problem. If you see - the absence or columns, or a complete series of gradual increase of the screen, it shows that the process of installation of LCD --> Notebook is bad. If you believe that the light moves on the screen is probably a backlight or inverter failure. These were some of the biggest problems for your laptop (you can also see that) these certificates, but find it useful in many other ways.
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