Thee most common type of cancer affects the prostate. According to a recent survey, there are nearly one hundred thousand patients suffering with this condition each year. Prostate cancer is the leading cause of death among men in America. For people to be diagnosed with this problem, it must undergo a biopsy. Remember that there are side effects of prostate biopsy. You can choose from three types of management. This includes transrectal, transurethral, and transperineal.You acknowledge that you have selected is a prostate biopsy side effects.
Includes transrectal ultra sound probe that is inserted into the rectum. Biopsy gun is guided to the site using the ultrasound image. Sample tissues were taken and sent back to the laboratory for testing. In the process transutheral lighted cystoscope is inserted into the urethra. The doctor can see through the lying glands. Has the same effect in the prostate biopsy. In bothHow are the weapons used needles, and can collect at least thirteen samples. Last transperineal procedure is carried out in the perineum. It is located between the scrotum and the anus. A small incision is made in this area. There are no prostate biopsy side effects for this, but local anesthesia is necessary. People often prefer transrectal management.
There is no need to worry about prostate biopsy side effects. They are minimal, and only cause minor discomfort. Containsbleeding in the rectum. There could also be blood in stool, urine and semen. These effects of prostate biopsy side was after two to three weeks after the procedure. After the biopsy, people can find the area to be sore. The transperineal biopsy can be painful to cut the stitches a few days and even weeks. Sitting in a chair can be unpleasant. That would be the moment to heal wounds. Other effects include blood in the urine and semen.
The prostate is thatpainful. Pain is often felt in the rectum or urethra area. Prostate biopsy side effects are due to biopsy or cutting device, which is implemented in the perineum. In most cases, prostate biopsy side effects related to anxiety because of the action biopsy procedure. It is best to talk with your doctor to understand the whole procedure. This can reduce anxiety.
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